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WoW Classic TBC Cooking Levelling Guide

The following The Burning Crusade cooking guide will have the fastest ways skilling methods listed from level 1 to 375. Normally the materials are based on the case of one skill point per craft. However, you will have to buy a few extra materials so that it doesn’t happen.

Where can I locate the TBC cooking trainers?

In order to become a cook, you need to first reach a minimum of level 5 in the skill and then speak to a cooking trainer, as seen in this wow TBC cooking guide. If you are having trouble locating the trainers, you can speak to one of the guards in the capital city and ask them the exact location. Upon asking, the trainer will be marked in red on your map. However, we have made it easier for you by listing the location of every cooking trainer in the game, respective of their factions for this wow TBC cooking guide.

Horde Faction Players – Zamja in Orgrimmar, Eunice Burch in Undercity, Aska Mistrunner in Thunder Bluff, Duhng in The Barrens, Mudduk in Stranglethorn Vale, Pyall Silentstride in Mulgore, and Sylann in Silvermoon City.

Alliance Faction Players – Stephen Ryback in Stormwind City, Daryl Riknussun in Ironforge, Alegorn in Darnassus, Gremlock Pilsnor in Dun Morogh, Tomas in Elwyn Forest, Zarrin in Teldrassil, and Mumman in The Exodar.

How do I level up my TBC cooking profession?

Levels 1 to 40

You can start off by purchasing 60 Simple Flour, and 60 Mild Spices at level 1 to reach level 40 cooking by making Spice Bread in this wow classic cooking guide. You can buy the items from the vendors that are located nearby your cooking trainer. Don’t buy them at the Auction House, because that will only be a waste of TBC Gold.

Levels 40 to 80

Make sure that you learn Journeyman Cooking at level 50 or 75, which requires character level 10 and cooking level 50.

At level 40 for this wow classic cooking guide, you will need to cook 40 Bear Meat to obtain Smoked Bear Meat. The recipe for it can be purchased from Andrew Hilbert of the Horde faction, who is located in Silverpine Forest (Sepulcher), and Drac Roughcut of the Alliance faction, who is located in Loch Modan (Thelsamar). An alternative way is to make Boiled Clams if you can find cheap Clam Meats at the Auction House. You can also make Spiced Wolf Meat till you reach level 70 if you can find cheap Stringy Wolf Meat at the AH.

Levels 80 to 130

Learn the Boiled Clams recipe from your trainer, and then head to the Twilight Shore, located in Darkshore, to farm Encrusted Tide Crawlers, as well as other sea creatures. Alternatively, you can head to Ashenvale, and then to Zoram Strand from there to kill various sea creatures. The recipe turns green at 110, so cook about 30 Boiled Clams and then start making Crab Cake all the way to level 130. Boiled Clams require Clam Meat and Refreshing Spring Water, and Crab Cake requires Crawler Meat. If you haven’t heard about Clam Meat and Refreshing Spring Water, you can open the Small Barnacled Clam to obtain it and buy it from any of the Innkeepers in the game, respectively. If you’re of the Alliance faction, don’t forget to purchase the Cooked Crab Claw recipe from Kendor Kabonka (Stormwind) because the sea creatures often drop Crawler Claw. Also, the Curiously Tasty Omelet recipe can also come in handy, so purchase that too.

Levels 130 to 175

To make Curiously Tasty Omelet, you will need Raptor Eggs, and it’s recommended to collect at least 50 of them to reach the desired level. The recipe can be sold to you by Kendor Kabonka and Keena in Stormwind City and Arathi Highlands, respectively (dependent upon your faction). Alternatively, you can make Bristle Whisker Catfish if you can find some cheap Raw Bristle Whisker Catfish at the Auction House. The recipe can be sold to you by vendors listed on the official WoW wiki. Speaking of Hord Faction players, you can get the Hot Lion Chops recipe from Zargh, which is located in the Barrens (Crossroads). In other words, it’s a good alternative if you can find some heap Lion Meat at the market.

Levels 175 to 225

To start off, you will need 50 Raptor Flesh to successfully make Roast Raptors and reach the desired level. The recipe can be sold to you by Hammon Karwn of the Alliance faction and Keena of the Horde faction. Alternatively, you can make Soothing Turtle Bisque if you can get Turtle Meat at a good price. You can obtain the recipe for it by completing the Soothing Turtle Bisque quest, and the quest can be picked up from Chef Jessen of the Alliance and Christoph Jeffcoat of the Horde faction. Also, you can choose to make Mithril Headed Trout, but that is if you get a good number of Raw variants at a decent price (you can look up the vendors from the official wiki page).

levels 225 to 250

You will need to make 25 items from any of the following recipes listed; Undermine Clam Chowder (50 Zesty Clam Meat and Ice-Cold Milk), Spotted Yellowtail (25 Raw Spotted Yellowtails), Monster Omelet (25 Giant Eggs), Tender Wolf Steak (25 Tender Wolf Meat), and Filet of Redgill (25 Raw Redgills). Undermine Clam Chowder recipe is sold by Jabbey in Tanaris and Ice-Cold Milk is sold by most of the Bartenders or Innkeepers in the game. However, the supply is limited, so you may want to store a good amount of it before starting off. Spotted Yellowtail recipe is sold by Gikkix in Tanaris, and it’s best that you also purchase Nightfin Soup and Poached Sunscale Salmon recipe while you’re there (for the future levels). Monster Omelet and Tender Wolf Steak Recipe are sold by Himmik (Winterspring, Everlook) and Dirge Quikcleave (Tanaris), respectively. Finally, the Filet of Redgill recipe can be purchased from Kelsey Yance at the Booty Bat.

levels 250 to 285

To cover these levels, you will have to make 40 Juicy Bear Burger, but for that, you will need Bear Flanks, which have a drop rate of around 50%. The recipe can be bought from Bale of the Horde and Malygen of the faction. You can also choose to make Charred Bear Kabobs by purchasing the respective recipe from the same NPCs. Alternatively, you can make Poached Sunscale Salmon and Nightfin Soup too, and the recipes for both are available with Gikkix in Tanaris.

Levels 285 to 300

To make 15 Smoked Desert Dumplings and reach the desired level, you will need Sandworm Meat, and to obtain the recipe, you will need to first finish the two quests; Desert Recipe and Sharing the Knowledge in Silithus. The meat can be farmed from Dredge Strikers and Dredge Crushers, located in Silithus. Alternatively, purchasing the recipe from Vivianna (Alliance) or Sheendra Tailgrass (Horde) to make Baked Salmon or Lobster Stew is a good option.

Levels 300 to 325

You can make any of the two listed recipes; Ravager Dog (30 Ravager Flesh) or Buzzard Bites (30 Buzzard meat). The recipe for Ravager Dog can be bought from Cookie One-Eye of the Horde and Sid Limbardi of the Alliance faction, located in Hellfire Peninsula. For the Buzzard Bites recipe, you will need to complete a quest chain that can be picked up from Legassi in Hellfire Peninsula.

Levels 325 to 355

You will have three choices at this stage; either cook Talbuk Steak (40 Talbuk Venison), Roasted Clefthoof (40 Clefthoof Meat), or Warp Burger (40 Warped Flesh). Talbuk Steak and Roasted Clefthoof recipe can be purchased from Nula the Butcher of the Horde and Uriku of the Alliance faction, located in Nagrand. Whereas, Warp Burger can be bought from Supply Officer Mills (Alliance) or Innkeeper Grilka (Horde), located within the Terrokar Forest.

Levels 355 to 375

Finally, you can make any of the following two; Crunchy Serpent (60 Serpent Flesh) or Mok’Nathal Shortribs (60 Raptor Ribs). For the Horde faction, you can buy both recipes from Xerintha Ravenoak, located in Blade’s Edge Mountain (Ruuan Weald). If they’re not stocked, then you choose to complete the Mok’Nathal Treats quest, because it’s a master alternative than waiting around for them to re-stock. For the Alliance faction, you can purchase them from Sassa Weldwell, located in Blade’s Edge Mountain (Toshley’s Station). The supply is unlimited, so it’s easier for Alliance players to buy from her at any time.

World of Warcraft Recent Patch Changes

If you’ve been playing retail World of Warcraft lately, you’ve probably realized that Blizzard has been patching like crazy. Now, 3.0.3 can not even be found on the Blizzard website. My only guess for this is just because the patch had several “bugs”. In that, certain classes were nerfed and certain classes were viciously overpowered. The new patch is meant to at least partially fix this problem, however I doubt that all classes will ever be completely balanced in the World of Warcraft.

Since I’ve already focused on primarily the patch’s effects on classes, I’m going to do my best to explain everything that happened to all of the different classes in the game in adding the patch. There have been other changes, but most are minor and are irrelevant to the individual player who wants to learn about the changes to their class and to their competition.

Death Knights DK’s are a class that are almost always going to be deeply affected by the new patches, since they were still sort of a test class when they were released. I would say that this patch mostly increased the capabilities of the DK, however most of the classes were overpowered by this patch. The dark command ability has had its range increased to 30 yards, death pact now has double the healing bonus, the pestilence cooldown has been completely removed, raise dead has been conveniently split into two abilities. However, bone shield has been debuffed along with a few other abilities.

Druids Druids are up for debate when it comes to patches. Feral druids pretty much completely died out before the release of the 3.0.3 patch, because they had a terrible time doing any damage in player versus player. I would definitely say it’s possible to be a feral druid again. The most significant change to druids is that now attack power can be increased in feral forms just by the addition of weapons that add DPS. Therefore, higher DPS items can be used by druids now instead of just weapons that add attack power, agility, strength, and so on. This is a significant change to feral druids and will greatly improve their abilities. Also, the aquatic form is now available at trainers at level 16; you no longer have to go through a grueling quest. Growl’s range has also been dramatically increased, to 30 yards. One bad thing is that starfall is now no longer included in balance form.

Hunters Hunters were definitely buffed by the patch, as they well deserved. Hunters have been getting worse and worse in PvP ever since the release of the game. Hunter aspects have been improved, hunter pet abilities have had their cooldowns reduced, and the talent trees have been sort of buffed for both marksmanship and beast mastery. Also, tracking has been improved, and now is easier to use. Hunters are finally starting to turn into more of a PvP class!

Mages I would say that mages are almost always nerfed in new patches. They’re a really high damage class that can’t hardly take any damage at all, I say Blizzard should just leave them alone. However, this patch has actually improved them in quite a few aspects. Blizzard has been greatly improved, and now the ability slow fall is castable on others. Arcane flows also reduces the cooldown of evocation significantly, giving a great mana-gathering ability in PvP. The ability mirror image has been added and is wonderful in PvP. Mages are still a great PvP class, but I think they’re starting to get more and more balanced.

Paladins Paladins are a sufficiently balanced class, and are also changing with every patch quite a bit. Avenging wrath has been significantly debuffed with fixed cooldowns. Divind shield instead of reducing attack time by half now just reduces damage by half. However, there is a completely new ability available to paladins by trainers at level 16 that causes holy damage at a 30 yard range. Awesome! Judgement of wisdom has been debuffed, it now affects base mana instead of maximum mana, no longer affected by powerful gear.

Priests No one really hears much about priests anymore, and I think they’re sort of a dieing class. Abolish disease and cure disease have now been added to shadowform! Circle of healing cooldown has been dramatically reduced to 6 seconds. Levitate is also now castable on others. Not much more to say about priests, they have been more buffed than debuffed for sure though!

Rogues Ahh the dreaded rogue buffs. I’m not one to be against rogues, but I don’t think they deserve any more buffs or cooldown decreases. Cheap shot has been debuffed! Fan of knives has been drastically improved; there is no longer any cooldown and the damage is increase to 150% when daggers are used. Feint has been improved in that it now decreases damage from area of effect damages by 50%.

Shamans I’m glad to hear that shamans are still getting better. I don’t play a shaman, but I’ve always loved the complexity of this class. For starters, all talent points have been refunded for all Shaman class characters. Fire nova totem now no longer generates threat, and this is great because now you can use these totems in instances without off-tanking. Searing totem (rank 4) has also had its damage increased to make it proper damage for its level. The duration of the Tremor Totem has been more than doubled. Shamans also recieved various other buffs, and very few nerfs.

Warlocks Locks are probably one of the most up-for-debate classes. Some people believe they’re “cheap” because of fear and what not, but I can definitely say that they’re more fair when it comes to PvP than the way rogues tend to play their PvP. The armor bonuses from Demon Armor and Demon Skin have been improved. Summoning portals can now be used to port multiple players/objects for up to 5 minutes.

Warriors The amount of charges of the bloodthirst have been decreased, however there has been a bonus added to each charge. There used to be a higher chance to miss with the use of titan’s grip. This has now been removed and greatly increases the power of a fury warrior. The taunt range has also been increased all the way to 30 yards.

Ultimate WoW Guide: The Number One

Do you find yourself having so much fun playing World of Warcraft? Since the launch of this game, millions of people find themselves playing for hours and enjoying every minute of the game. For these people who love to play, their goal is to level up their respective characters. Do you want to find out the secret to leveling up fast? You can definitely do that with the Ultimate WoW Guide.

Just like any game, leveling up is the most important thing to do. And in the World of Warcraft, there are 80 levels that every player will strive to achieve. Getting from one level to another is not that easy in this game which is the reason why having a guide to do that is very important.

In fact, articles and blogs which contain tips about strategies on leveling up are usually visited by these players. Just remember that not all of these blogs and articles contain reliable information. Therefore, it is important to make use of a reliable guide which contains strategies that are proven effective.

The Ultimate WoW Guide is indeed the best guide today. Since it was first launched in 2005, this guide is now an in-game guide. This means that you will be receiving tips and step-by-step instructions as you actually play the game. Plus, you do not have to read the instructions and tips on a separate window because these will be flashed while you play.

An additional feature of this guide is the best quest order. This feature will enable every player to follow the right order of quests to ensure that leveling up is way faster and easier. Another feature is the automatic waypoints. These waypoints will show you where to go to next by putting an arrow on the map and this will ensure that you will never get lost while playing the game. The leveling talent guide is another great feature which shows every player the best way of spending his or her talent points. Another feature is that the guide will show you the best strategies in beating each class with your character. The macro guide is another feature that users love. This macro guide will definitely help you improve your game. All you have to do is to copy then paste each macro onto the menu.

Definitely, the Ultimate WoW Guide will make playing World of Warcraft very enjoyable and easy. You will definitely level up quickly and easily. Furthermore, if you think that the guide was not worth purchasing, you can use the 60-day money-back guarantee without any questions asked.

Indeed, the Ultimate WoW Guide gave me the best tips and strategies. Learn about the features of the guide.